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Word Bath
Celebrating the written word, read out loud

S.J. Williams
Aug 4, 20231 min read
The injured carrot
"What did the injured carrot say?" The injured carrot is a silly joke book to read out loud together. Silly? Oh, yeah. Too silly? Not if...

S.J. Williams
Aug 4, 20231 min read
¡Gracias Dios!
"Te daré las gracias con todo mi corazón." ~ Salmos 138:1 ¡Gracias Dios! es una versión divertida de una oració clasica para leer en voz...

S.J. Williams
Aug 4, 20231 min read
Thank you, God!
"I will give you thanks with my whole heart." ~ Psalms 138:1 Thank you,God! is a fun take on a classic prayer, designed to make it fun...
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